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5210 South State Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1 (734) 418-5400

CT Evolution

Here at Xoran, we believe pets deserve the same advanced imaging technology used in human medicine. Since 2001 Xoran Technologies has been the pioneer and medical market leader in cone beam CT. With a successful track record of CT imaging, Xoran understands the imaging needs of clinics and we are passionate about applying that expertise to support veterinarians and improve the healthcare of animals.
Using computed tomography (CT) as a diagnostic imaging tool has made significant advances over the years.

How it started…

Prohibitively expensive
High radiation dose
Read by radiologist only
Either soft tissue or bone winow images

How it’s going…

Lower radiation dose
Readable by clinian
The whole picture
Xoran’s state-of-the art, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging provides Veterinarians’ with advanced diagnostic technology to handle more complex clinical pathology and expand treatment capabilities.

Pets also have patient responsibilities.

Service animals need to get back to work as quickly as possible. With vTRON, you can reduce kennel times.

Become the superhero.

vtron vt scanner moves through doorsThe vTRON scanner’s slim design allows it to move throughout your office at will. No longer do you have to wait for a room to be prepped. Move vTRON everywhere you go and get accurate, real-time 3D data whenever you need it.

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