At Xoran, we take pride in the quality and efficiency of our products and customer service. Don’t just take our word for it. Check out what our customers have to say!
Testimonials about Xoran’s products and services
“The portable scanner does have the advantage of faster acquisition time, because there is not that transport involved. So when there is an acute neurological change, and we want to know why, and when we suspect that it’s due to the most common things that we see—new intracranial hemorrhage, new and worsening midline shift due to cerebral edema, new hydrocephalus—things that are relatively, readily visible on a CT scan, that’s when we would use a portable CT scanner such as xCAT IQ.”
“Back in 2004, we purchased the very first MiniCAT. That was one of the best decisions we have made! Now we have 4 MiniCATs in our practice. Doctors can almost instantly get a scan to assist in the diagnosis of their patients. They have the ability to call up the scans in the exam room and can show patients a high quality/resolution image of the sinuses or temporal bone and explain what is going on. Having these units definitely has a positive impact on patient care as well as the bottom line.”
“As a single-physician private practice surgeon, having a MiniCAT at each of the locations where I practice has been an invaluable addition. I’m able to perform the scan on my patients and have the images available immediately—allowing me to see, scan, and diagnose my patients in a single office visit. This quick turn-around means that my patients are more likely to comply with their treatment plan. In this way, my practice has grown, my procedure volume has grown, and my patients get the sinus relief they need more quickly with less hassle.”
“Before the MiniCAT, it would be 7-10 days before we had results.”