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5210 South State Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1 (734) 418-5400

Make the transition from 2D to 3D imaging

Better images. Better outcomes.

Designed for clinicians who want fast access to highly detailed views of their patient’s anatomy, VetCAT IQ is invaluable for emergency medicine, trauma, dentistry, dermatology, and oncology. Intended for use in the clinic setting, VetCAT IQ is intuitive, user-friendly, and easy to learn and use. In fact, once you have instant access to full 3D images when you want them, you will be reaching for VetCAT IQ more than you thought you would.

Deciding Between VetCAT IQ and VetCAT?

VetCAT was specifically designed for bone imaging capability—meaning it is ideally suited for dental and dermatology imaging.
Clinicians who are wanting to see brain, eye, and other tissue anatomy of the head and small animal turn to the VetCAT IQ.
Discuss the differences with your sales manager.

Be the Veterinarian With The Answers

Improving companion animal health is at the forefront of everything you do. Pet owners rely on you for answers. Your immediate access to high definition 3D X-Rays with VetCAT IQ will help speed your diagnoses and improve the accuracy of our planning and treatment. VetCAT IQ will make a dramatic impact on how you treat your patients and build relationships with pet owners.

VetCAT’s fully 3D x-ray views eliminate doubt. Traditional 2D radiographs provide only basic planar views that don’t allow you to see what lies behind and around your region of interest. With VetCAT 3D CT, there are no surprises. You can view your patient’s anatomy in high definition with geometric accuracy from all angles. VetCAT’s measurement tools will aid in precise planning and provide you with a roadmap of the anatomy you are about to approach clinically.

Equipped with answers from VetCAT, you can avoid delays, hidden surprises, and uncertainty, and move confidently with a data-driven plan to guide you from diagnosis through treatment.



At the diagnosis stage, VetCAT IQ enables you to determine the extent of your patient’s disease or injury during an exam and begin treatment right away.



At the planning stage, VetCAT IQ helps you determine your optimal approach, define your surgical margins, and avoid critical structures



During and after procedures, VetCAT IQ provides you with updated images so you can assess the accuracy and completeness of your intervention.

Make Data-Driven Diagnoses

VetCAT IQ table-side CT scans gives you immediate access to the data you need to make informed decisions. You control the timing, frequency, type, and number of scans you want. Instant access to the types of images you need when you want them gives you peace of mind that you are providing your patient with evidence-driven diagnoses and care.

By eliminating the need to outsource CT, you minimize delays in your patient’s diagnosis and treatment, minimize risks from multiple anesthesia, and reduce stress on your patient and their owner. Owners will appreciate your use of advanced imaging technology. By sharing their pet’s CT scans with them, they will better understand their pet’s condition and feel confident in authorizing your treatment. With data from your VetCAT IQ CT and expedited owner authorization, you can move from diagnosis to treatment right away.

With VetCAT IQ in your clinic you can now see in 3D.

VetCAT IQ equips you with state-of-the-art Computed Tomography (CT) scanning at your fingertips.

Form. Fit. Function.

No dedicated room needed. With its compact size and zero-turn capability, VetCAT IQ clears standard doorways, accommodates tight spaces, and is easy to access when you need it and store it away when you don’t..


Easy-to-use. Simply roll the scanner up to your patient’s table, follow a few simple steps, and in less than a minute, you receive an ultra-low radiation dose CT image.


Ultra-high resolution. At 70 microns—industry best—your scan will appear on the built-in monitor, where you can examine your region of interest in a 3D volume rendering or by 3D cross-section.

Assess. Treat. Report.

Use your computer mouse to zoom, pan, rotate and scroll through the scan to explore your region of interest and capture your optimum views. You can use the annotation tool to point out and note your findings. Your scans are automatically saved to the cloud, so you can view your scans on the VetCAT IQ monitor or access and share your scans remotely with an internet connection. You can also print screen shots, save copies of full CT scans on flash drives or CDs and export scan files to your office computer where you can import images to Word or PDF.

Strengthen Your Veterinary Practice

Stay ahead of the curve

Make your practice more complete with state-of-the art veterinary cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging with VetCAT IQ. With advanced CT imaging in your clinic, you can apply your expertise to handle more complex clinical pathology, expand your treatment capabilities, and increase referrals. You can market your CT scanning services and attract more clients, talented employees and business partners.

Improve workflow efficiency

VetCAT IQ enables you to diagnose your patients during exams, avoiding delays caused by sending your patients elsewhere for CT. VetCAT IQ integrates seamlessly with examination and procedure protocols. It’s as fast and easy to use, VetCAT IQ rolls directly to your patient’s table for CT scans on demand. Scans take 20 seconds and images are available for immediate review on the VetCAT IQ or on your own computer via XoranConnect®, which automatically saves your CT files in the cloud.

Keep scanning revenue in your practice

VetCAT IQ customers tell us that their scanner paid for itself with charges for scans and additional procedures made possible with VetCAT IQ. If you can see yourself doing more than ten 3D X-rays per month, VetCAT IQ will quickly become a profit center for your practice.

Used in Animal Healthcare Centers Just Like Yours

World-Class Customer Service and Support

Train and Scan on Your First Day

VetCAT IQ is so simple you can train in the morning and scan in the afternoon. Our top priority is ensuring that you are confident and successful in using your VetCAT IQ. We will be there for you to provide you with on-site, hands-on training when we install your VetCAT IQ, and we will be there for you for any additional training or support you may want for the lifetime of your scanner.

Talk to your VetCAT team

All our VetCAT IQ customers are backed by our dedicated team of Service Engineers who are full-time CT experts. You will know your Service Engineer by name. He will personally deliver, install, and train you and your staff on your new VetCAT IQ.

With our warranty and service plan, you get:

Unlimited onsite service
Unlimited remote diagnostics and support
Unlimited software upgrades
Unlimited support of XoranConnect web image storage and remote access
Annual preventive maintenance

David Sarment
Greg Varner
Steven Qualman
Tim Lavacheck
Dr. Mike Canfield

Xoran’s VetCAT is a huge advantage for my practice and
patients. I am able to diagnose patients quickly and offer
treatment to owners within the same visit. It’s a virtuous
cycle of better patient care and client satisfaction.

Dr. Munir Kureshi

We are excited to use cutting-edge technology. With
VetCAT, I can finally see XRs in three dimensions. It is
easy to use and makes me a better Doctor.

Dr. Kris Bannon

Although the radiograph hinted at a displaced tooth,
with VetCAT I could see the exact location of the
displaced canine and the severity of the extensive
damage from the cyst that had formed around it.

Dr. Ben Colmery

Xoran’s VetCAT is a huge advantage for my practice and
patients. I am able to diagnose patients quickly and offer
treatment to owners within the same visit. It’s a virtuous
cycle of better patient care and client satisfaction.

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