Are you making the most of Bonus Depreciation?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) expanded the Bonus Depreciation deduction to 100% in the year qualified property is placed in service through 2022. Like Section 179, businesses can take advantage of the deduction by purchasing property with a useful life of 20 years or less. That includes CT systems like MiniCAT. Both new and used property can qualify. Special rules apply to property with longer recovery periods.
Take advantage of huge tax savings for your practice. Your Xoran representative will walk you through the answers. Contact a Xoran Sales Representative at (800) 70-XORAN) or send a note to to place your Xoran Systems order today.
In order to qualify for the current tax year, finance or purchase equipment and put it into service by December 31, 2022. Consult with your independent CPA for further details on how this incentive applies to your practice. Learn which tax deductions apply to your practice at