Take Advantage of Xoran’s Spring Financing Special

Xoran is offering a spring financing promotion through the month of April. Purchase today at a special rate of 4.99%, which includes deferred payment options (for 3-6 months) through Highland Capital. Lock in your rate today! Contact your Xoran sales representative for details and take advantage of this special offer.*
Are you looking to optimize your workflow?

Spring is here, which means it’s allergy season—one of the busiest times of the year for your allergy practice. Adding a MiniCAT point-of-care CT enables the fast progression from diagnosis to treatment.
Optimize Your Workflow With MiniCAT:
- Reduce the backlog for seeing new patients … patients are seen and treated more quickly
- Get surgeons back to doing what they are meant to do … surgeons have more time for in-office procedures
- Increase practice revenue … procedures are reimbursed higher than follow-up visits
- Speed-up billing and payment cycles … time-to-procedure no longer takes months