Attend Dr. Chester Griffiths’ Session
Sunday, February 20, 2022
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM MST
Xoran xCAT Mobile CT Scan: Novel Experience In Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
Dr. Griffiths will discuss how the xCAT IQ mobile CT system provides real-time intraoperative or immediate post-operative imaging data. The CT is performed while the patient is maintained under general anesthesia prior to the patient leaving the operating room.

Bringing CT to your patient’s bedside.
Xoran’s ultra-compact, mobile, cone beam CT scanner is designed for the neurosurgical suite and neuro ICU. Providing real-time CT scans of the brain and applicable for bone window imaging.
Imagine you could have a truly mobile head CT in your ICU that could be quickly and easily rolled up to your patient’s bedside for a fast scan, giving you real time updates on your patient’s condition.